Computer recycling Coventry

We provide a Commercial Computer equipment Recycling Service within Coventry

Revive IT recycling LTD is one of the few companies to advertise a free of charge computer disposal service when having a minimum of 10 pc sized items. The majority of companies and schools are shocked to hear that we can give them a free service but as we are subject to so much equipment from other companies around the UK it gives us the excuse to give you this assistance in the removal of your excess IT apparatus with computer recycling Coventry.

Even though we are located in Leeds we have vehicles constantly in the area of Coventry and not only that, we can provide onsite data destruction services around that area although this will come at a minimal price. We provide a free of charge data destruction service where we can take the data bearing devices back to our secure warehouse and have them wiped/crushed dependant on the size or ability to be wiped. Anything under 20gb will be immediately crushed but will still be placed on a data destruction certificate for you to know that the data you gave to us has actually been destroyed.

When removing your IT equipment we can also take the hazardous waste which you may need to be rid of for environmental purposes. E.g. we take TFT monitors for free as long as they are mixed into the collection along with other PC sized items with computer recycling Coventry. Producing over 500kg of hazardous waste? You will need to register with the environment agency as a hazardous waste producer. We are here to help you with this and if you need help don’t hesitate to contact us.

So this is the Computer Recycling Coventry Service and if you would like to know more do not hesitate to call us on 01132621392 or email us at [email protected]

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